Thursday, October 20, 2016


Our first ultrasound was so amazing!!! You have to remember, that we've been through this "first ultrasound at 7 or 8 weeks" thing before.... It wasn't a good experience, nor the outcome that we had been hoping for or expecting. So this time around, we were as prepared for the worst as possible.

Altogether this pregnancy has been so different than my first. During my first pregnancy, I wasn't sick at all. I wasn't tired. I had pretty much absolutely no signs of pregnancy whatsoever besides that stupid pee stick that said positive. This time around.... I can not even explain to you just how plan out exhausted I have been, and its been since within a week of my transfer. All I want to do is sleep. I can never get enough sleep! Even if I slept 24 hours straight, I would probably wake up for 3 and want to go back to sleep for another 8. Its crazy how the tiredness comes from such a deep place within you too. I have been tired and exhausted before, but this tired is a completely different tired. Right now I like to be in bed no later than 9 pm. In the mornings at school I have 1st and 5th periods prep, which has been such a blessing. So for the past couple of weeks I haven't been getting out of bed till around 7:30 am or later. And then I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get out the door to make it to school by the time the bell for 2nd/6th period to start... Honestly, it hasn't been a good habit to get into, but I plan on breaking it soon! The other symptom I have had is being hungry! I have to eat just about a full meal every 2-3 hours or I get horrible stomach pains. So i'm constantly eating something to make that not happen. I know my students have noticed, and i'm sure their probably thinking "whoa lady, you can't wait to eat that oatmeal until lunch?" Ha! Oh well though, I have to do that or i'm sick. I have also had some nausea at night time. Its while I am sleeping, so I haven't been sleeping the best the past week and a half or so. And lastly the vomitting.... Thankfully I have not had too much of this, twice so far is all. I hope this remains on the DL, because no one likes to be doing that.

Our first ultrasound appointment wasn't until later in the afternoon, so Tyker and I had another dreadfully long day of waiting. We had to drive separate to the clinic and I had gotten there about 10 minute early. On my way, I called Tyk to make sure he was on his way and he didn't answer.  I called again like 5 minutes later, no answer. So again I called. I didn't want him to think that it was an emergency, but I was getting angry and I knew he was getting my phone calls. He has an apple watch... so my phone calls were literally ringing on his wrist. After about 5 calls, Tyk finally called me back. From there, no I probably wasn't as nice as I could have been, but I was really stressed about the situation and I just wanted to make sure he was going to be on time. And we were! I signed into the front desk, and was called back to the exam room shortly after. I got all prepped and ready to go, and we waited for the nurse practitioner Anne Marie to come in. She took longer than normal, and I knew this was going to happen. When we were walking back to our room, she was just walking into the exam room next to me. Tyk couldn't sit down, and kept pacing back and forth. I told him to just sit and be patient, and he's said "No I can't sit. I need to stand. Where is she?!! Why is this taking so long!" By the time Anne Marie came in, we had only been waiting maybe five minutes. Both of our anxiety was through the roof at this point, and all we wanted to see was that little flutter of a heart (or two). Anne Marie had asked me how I was feeling, and I told her I had been really tired and getting more and more nauseous. She clarified with us that we had transferred two and then said "I'm going to get this ready and in position and then I will turn the scream for you to see." I remember taking a deep breath and waiting for her next response. She then said "well there is definitely two." As she pushed the screen in our direction to see the ultrasound, she said "Are you ready for twins!" I immediately started crying as I saw the two flutters of heart beats on the screen. Tyk grabbed my arm, and just kept saying "wow, look at that." in such a sweet soothing voice. Anne Marie measured both of our babies and we got to listen to each of their heart beats and recorded one of them. She then looked at me and said "Is this okay?" I must have had a weary face. I just told her I was so overjoyed. I explained to her that the last time we had been through this we never saw a heart beat, and that I was just in aww of the situation. It worked out that the day of our ultrasound was one day short of our two year mark that we went in for my D & C the first time around. She then finished up the ultrasound, printing us out a few copies of each baby to take home with us. We were then instructed on when our next appointment would be, and Anne Marie explained to me that this appointment would be with Dr. G. She would give me all of my medical records and I would be graduating from the fertility clinic this day! This is wonderful news, but also a little bittersweet. I love the Utah Fertility Center. I love my doctor there, and all of the staff that I have worked with throughout this experience. They have all taken such good care of me, and I just hope to get the same care at my regular OBGYN.  I'm glad to be graduating from UFC so soon after my very first visit. And as much as I love them... I hope I never have to go back! But, in the case that I do I'll know exactly what I'm getting myself into and that they truly care about me and my situation.

To see our BABIES  (that's plural, I can't believe it!) healthy and growing was such an amazing experience. Tyk likes to kid around and say we got a two fur, or a BOGO. He says we bought one and got one free! Or it was a Two fur One deal. Its been a good joke around here! We are so excited about this next journey that we are starting on, and are just praying that everything continues to go well. Our next appointment is this coming week and it can't come soon enough. My 40 Week due date is June 1, 2017, but twins tend to come about 4 weeks early so we're shooting for around May 4, 2017.

Thank you all for continuing to read our story! We still can't believe we are going to be a family of 4... but could not be more grateful for this opportunity! Our lives our truly in Gods timing. I know first hand how hard this is to understand, but when it does happen you will understand exactly why it took so long.

The updates will keep coming, maybe slowly.... but surely!

We love you all, and once again thank you for all of your love, prayers, and support!!!



  1. Congratulations!! Oh my goodness 💜💜 I am so happy for you both. Best news!!

  2. Congratulations to the will make such a good-looking and Fantastic 4!

  3. May 6th ......... then the twins will born on my birthday! that would be a story to tell :) I am so over the moon for you both! Wow Tyk, you're gonna be a DAD! I wonder if one or both of the twins will serve in South Africa? That would be an even better story to tell. Can't wait for the next blog chapter now! Lots of African love to you both <3 <3
